Animale exotice


Vocalizarea reptilelor este extrem de complexă

Este pentru prima dată când s-a demonstrat că reptilele sunt capabile să își adapteze strigătele în funcție de zgomotul ambiental, cunoscut ca un sistem de comunicare complex la păsări și mamifere.
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World's smallest Reptile: New tiny Chameleons discovered in Madagascar

World's smallest Reptile: New tiny Chameleons discovered in Madagascar

German and American scientists under the lead of Frank Glaw (Zoologische Staatssammlung München) report about newly discovered dwarf chameleons from Madagascar (published in PLoS One)
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Eurogroup for Animals

New report reveals serious disease risk from keeping wild animals as pets

A Eurogroup for Animals report illustrates the high risk of zoonoses from wild animals kept as pets. Zoonoses are diseases which are passed from animals to humans with sometimes fatal consequences
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Tortoise, bite wound injuries

Tortoise, bite wound injuries

A Hermann´s tortoise – testudo hermanni - (named “Alexis”) is found, seriously injured, in a garden in May 2011
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International Conference on Reptile and Amphibian Medicine

Reptile and Amphibian Medicine: Call for papers

Call for papers for the 2012 International Conference on Reptile and Amphibian Medicine (Cremona, May 13th-15th 2012)
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Dihor diagnosticat cu hiperdrenocorticism

Boala glandelor suprarenale la dihor: hiperestrogenism si NU hipercorticism

Endocrinopatiile reprezintă cel mai mare motiv de îngrijorare pentru proprietarii de dihori. Desi asimptomatice, bolile glandelor suprarenale sau bolile pancreatice contribuie alarmant la creșterea mortalitătii acestei specii
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Rana similis, one of the frog species in the Philippines with highest infaction caused by Bd

Global Amphibian Declines: Researchers complete first major survey of amphibian fungus in Asia

A team of 33 researchers from 26 North American, European, Australian and Asian institutions has completed the first major survey in Asia of a deadly fungus which threatens large proportions of the world’s amphibians and has already wiped out more than 200 species

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VetGlu- lipici sintetic, resorbabil pentru ţesuturi

B.Braun aduce prin lansarea lui VetGlu pe piata un lipici pentru tesuturi, care poate fi folosit la animale exotice precum rozatoare mici, pasari de colivie, animale de terariu, pesti ornamentali
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European Fire-bellied Toad

Kiss a frog? Veterinarians say No

Frogs, like all amphibians and reptiles, can be a source of Salmonella infections in people
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XIth Meeting of the Avian Immunology Research Group - AIRG2010

Budapest, Thursday October 7, 2010 - Sunday October 10, 2010

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Remediere Prolaps cloacal la Iguana Verde

Remediere Prolaps cloacal la Iguana Verde

Pacienta a fost prezentata in cabinetul nostru dupa trei repuneri succesive a prolapsului fara a se sutura orificiul cloacal, bine-nteles acesta a recidivat, reptila ajungand la noi intr-o stare avansata de deshidratare, letargica si anorexica

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sarpele dupa intubare

Imposibilitate de ouare la un boa constrictor  

Intr-o clinica veterinara  a sosit un sarpe boa constrictor cu urmatoarea problema: dupa fatare, proprietarul a observat o umflatura in apropierea cloacei

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The photograph shows the jawbone, or mandible, of the phantom midge

Midge bones in lake sediments reveal fish history

The mouth parts of the phantom midge are microscopic. But in the hands of scientists from the Department of Zoology at the University of Gothenburg these midge bones become a time machine that can document 200 years of acidification and fish elimination in Swedish lakes

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10th World Congress of Veterinary Anaesthesia

10th World Congress of Veterinary Anaesthesia

The 10th World Congress of Veterinary Anaesthesia will take place on 31st August to 4th September in Glasgow, UK, at the historic University of Glasgow

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