Henry-Schein present at 3 investor conferences in September

(27.08.2015) Henry Schein, Inc. (HSIC), the world's largest provider of health care products and services to office-based dental, animal health and medical practitioners, announced today that the Company will present at three investor conferences in September

•    September 9, 2015 – Baird Healthcare Conference in New York at 1:25 p.m. ET

•    September 9, 2015 – Wells Fargo Securities Healthcare Conference in Boston at 2:20 p.m. ET

•    September 16, 2015 – Morgan Stanley Global Healthcare Conference in New York at 1:40 p.m. ET

Henry Schein's presentations can be heard via live webcast by visiting www.henryschein.com, clicking on "Investor Relations" and following the link for "Webcasts."  Replays will be available on the Henry Schein website following each presentation.

About Henry Schein, Inc.

Henry Schein, Inc. (HSIC) is the world's largest provider of health care products and services to office-based dental, animal health and medical practitioners. The Company also serves dental laboratories, government and institutional health care clinics, and other alternate care sites. A Fortune 500® Company and a member of the S&P 500® and the NASDAQ 100® indexes, Henry Schein employs more than 18,000 Team Schein Members and serves more than one million customers.

The Company offers a comprehensive selection of products and services, including value-added solutions for operating efficient practices and delivering high-quality care. Henry Schein operates through a centralized and automated distribution network, with a selection of more than 100,000 branded products and Henry Schein private-brand products in stock, as well as more than 150,000 additional products available as special-order items. The Company also offers its customers exclusive, innovative technology solutions, including practice management software and e-commerce solutions, as well as a broad range of financial services.

Headquartered in Melville, N.Y., Henry Schein has operations or affiliates in 30 countries. The Company's sales reached a record .4 billion in 2014, and have grown at a compound annual rate of approximately 16 percent since Henry Schein became a public company in 1995. For more information, visit Henry Schein at www.henryschein.com, Facebook.com/HenrySchein and @HenrySchein on Twitter.

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Donație de 100,000$

Vreau să vă informez că săptămâna trecută Fundația „Henry Schein Cares” a semnat un memorandum de înțelegere atât cu IVSA (Asociația Internațională Studenților veterinari) cât și cu „ Mission Rabies” pentru sprijin material pe următorii trei ani. Valoarea totală a sprijinului este de 100mii USD.
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Anunt oficial - Henry Schein Inc. a achizitionat Jurgen Kruuse

Firma Henry Schein din SUA, Melville, N.Y., (NASDAQ: HSIC) a cumparat 90% din firma Jurgen Kruuse din Danemarca- facand astfel o noua achizitie in domeniul veterinar
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