FECAVA Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations
FECAVA is the platform to promote the professional development and representation of companion animal veterinarians in Europe.
Diagnosis of canine atopy (Patrick Hensel et al.), description of seasonal or recurrent flank alopecia (Sophie Vandenabeele et al.) and an audio presentation by Danny Scott on feline atopy
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Premiile au fost prezentate în 16 Octobrie la Eurocongresul SEVC/FECAVA din Barcelona de către Președintele Fecava Monique Megens și editorul EJCAP Karin de Lange.
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The preparations are already in full swing for the 22nd FECAVA Eurocongress, due to take place in Vienna, Austria from June 22-25, 2016
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This years special issue of EJCAP Online focuses on the veterinary care of our elderly feline patients, and includes papers on geriatric feline care (Sarah Caney), excessive vocalisation (Danièlle Gunn-Moore) and the early detection of chronic kidney disease in cats (Dominique Paepe)
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În data de 15 octombrie 2015 la Barcelona, în cadrul celui de-al XXI-lea eurocongres al FECAVA va avea loc un simpozion al ISFM pe tema obezității feline și a tulburărilor co-morbide la pisici.
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No need for fancy toys or a specialist degree: in the EJCAP Summer
2015 issue, Robyn Jarrett and colleagues describe an easy, practical
technique to treat nasal squamous cell carcinoma in cats, using
diathermy and curettage.
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Whats the risk for owners if pets have influenza, toxoplasma or cryptosporidium? Mike Lappin and Thomas Vahlenkamp, two speakers at the 2015 FECAVA Symposium present the evidence, with practical tips on management
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Rabbit anaesthesia, tricky business? Not if you know how. In the winter issue of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, Yvonne van Zeeland and Nico Schoemaker provide practical tips and advice on the preparation, induction and maintenance of rabbit anaesthesia
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Clare Rusbridge (UK) and Julia Palm (Germany) received the 2014 FECAVA awards, for best original and best reprint paper, respectively. The awards were presented during the opening ceremony of the 20th congress of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA), held in Munich earlier this month
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How can you turn a snarling, snappy dog in your consultation into a well-behaved patient? Changing the mindset of dogs and counterconditioning are the key words in Sophia Yins paper on Reducing stress and fear aggression in the clinic
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The second online version of European Journal of Companion Animal Practitioners (EJCAP) is available now. It contains the usual CPD articles, as well as videos and other extras
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