ISAZ Waltham Collaborative Research Award 2012

(30.09.2011) ISAZ and Waltham have partnered to create a collaborative grant program, with the goal of stimulating new research in the area of human-animal interactions, with particular interest in the role of pets in the lives of elders, pets enhancing healthy longevity, and the role of pets in the community.

ISAZ The maximum award is 44,000 USD and the award period is 2 years.

The deadline to submit completed applications is: January 15, 2012

Past recipients are

2009 Dr. Rebecca Johnson 

"Seniors fostering shelter dogs:  Improving health and well-being together"

2010  Dr. Erika Friedmann

"Pet assisted living (PAL) study"

2011 Drs. Linda Lord and Larry Hill  

"The Effect of Adopting a Shelter Cat on Loneliness, Depression and Perceived Physical Health of the Elderly"

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