7th International Symposium in Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
(22.06.2012) The 7th international Symposium of Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy will be take place in Vienna, Austria from the 15th to 18th August 2012!
This unique symposium is a meeting point for everybody who is interested in physical therapy, sports medicine, rehabilitation, surgery, orthopedic, neurology, biomechanics and motion analysis.
All around the world, people from all these different professions are working on the same topic: How can we respond fully to the physiological and clinical needs of our animals?
To answer this sophisticated question it is necessary to combine several fields of scientific research and to involve each animal related profession like clinicians, biomechanists, physical therapists, veterinary technicians, anatomists and physiologists.
Therefore, the largest international conference in animal rehabilitation and physical therapy will be the perfect place to experience leading speakers from different professions putting their knowledge together in thematically linked and research focused presentations, concluding with key take-home messages for practice and research relevant to the subject internationally.
Download: Program International Symposium in Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
The focused symposia for the International Symposium in Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy include speakers from many countries and will ensure that delegates are exposed to up to date research and knowledge from around the world.
The symposium 2012 will be held as a collaboration of IAVRPT and the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna.
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