MSD Animal Health Launches NOBIVAC® Global Vet Exchange

(26.11.2014) Veterinarians Share Best Practices for Improving Animal Care Globally

MSD Animal Health announced the launch of the NOBIVAC® Global Vet Exchange Program, which will give ten veterinarians the opportunity to visit clinics in other countries and share their knowledge and experience in veterinary care.

MSD Animal Health “The NOBIVAC Global Vet Exchange will facilitate dialogue between veterinarians across the globe, helping them learn new ideas and share best practices for improving animal care,” said Karin Jager, MSD Animal Health.

“Through this program, MSD Animal Health aims to offer a rewarding learning experience, not only for the veterinarians participating in the exchange, but also for those following through blogs and videos that will be shared online.”

For the first year of the exchange, ten veterinarians from China, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States will visit each other’s clinics to experience working in a new clinic in a different country.

The participating veterinarians will share their experiences through blog entries and videos on Dr. Link Welborn, of Tampa, Florida, U.S.A., and Dr. Roeland Wessels, of the Netherlands, will officially launch the program when they travel to a clinic in Japan this month.

“The Global Vet Exchange Program will allow veterinarians like me to discover, compare, and contrast the way I work in my own country and practice,” said Dr. Wessels.

“I am excited to meet fellow veterinarians and share our knowledge to help improve the care of companion animals.”

To learn more about the NOBIVAC Global Vet Exchange, see updates from participating veterinarians, and learn how you can participate in the exchange, visit


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