EFSA, ECDC and EMEA: joint scientific report on MRSA

(29.06.2009) EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), ECDC (European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) and EMEA (European Medicines Agency) have published a joint Scientific Report on meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in livestock, pets and foods on 16 June.

EFSA’s Panel on Biological Hazards and ECDC concluded that “food-producing animals such as pigs, veal calves and broiler chickens often carry without symptoms a specific strain of MRSA called CC398. However, while food may be contaminated by MRSA there is currently no evidence that eating or handling contaminated food can lead to an increased health risk for humans”. Persons in contact with live animals that carry the CC398 strain of MRSA could be at risk of infection.

Pet animals can also be infected with MRSA, but theses strains first are transferred from humans to pets and then back to humans. Therefore basic hygiene measures and avoiding direct contact with nasal secretions, saliva and wounds is recommended in the report and the most effective control measures were identified at farm level.

EMEA parallel looked at the risk of MRSA colonisation or infection of animals in the context of the authorisation and the use of veterinary antimicrobial medicines. Prudent use of antimicrobials in animals should remain a key measure and the CVMP (Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use) recommended “monitoring of animal consumption of antimicrobials to identify any sources of unnecessary use”.

The Committee also recommended that medicines of last resort for MRSA treatment in humans should be avoided in animals, so as to ensure their continued efficacy in humans. For the complete report: EFSA Website: http://efsa.europa.eu/EFSA/efsa_locale-1178620753812_1211902581497.htm



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