Zoo Vienna is the best best European zoological garden

(13.05.2009) Presentation of Anthony Sheridan Trophy for best European zoological garden to Tiergarten Schönbrunn

A new trophy, consisting of an elephant within a hand-cut crystal  surround mounted on a walnut base, is to be presented to Dr. Dagmar Schratter, Director of Tiergarten Schönbrunn, by Mr. Anthony Sheridan to commemorate the Tiergarten’s first place in the new ranking list of leading European zoological gardens.

The ranking list results from Mr. Sheridan’s independent project designed to evaluate and mark zoological gardens from the viewpoint of the informed and concerned visitors, and the owners and financial supporters of zoos. The survey takes account of the animal collection, the quality of the houses and enclosures for the exhibits, visitor numbers, landscaping, vegetation, ambience of the zoo, investment past and fuiture, conservation in-situ and ex-situ, marketing and publicity, education and zoo school, zoo staffing direct and indirect, zookeeper training, Master Plan, season or annual tickets, ticket prices and management.

A total of 40 zoological gardens in 16 European countries, including all those with over 1,000,000 paid visitors, are included in the survey. Marks are given for each of 25 different factors, resulting from a detailed questionnaire, a personal meeting with the Zoo Director, consideration of any available annual reports, and a visit to the Zoo.

The survey’s findings are very encouraging, according to Mr. Sheridan, as they clearly show the substantial investment in new and improved facilities for animals and visitors over recent years, as well as ambitious plans for the next few years.

Europe’s leading zoological gardens today are an enormous improvement on those of 20 years ago and are attracting increasing numbers of visitors; they are the most important visitor attraction in Europe by visitor numbers.

Mr. Sheridan comments that Tiergarten Schönbrunn has high marks for nearly all factors; in particular, its animal collection, ambience and general feel of the zoo for visitors, education involvment  and provision, high visitor and annual ticket numbers in relation to catchment area population, in-situ conservation involvement and its management and staffing.

Furthermore, this Zoo has made very great progress over the past 15 years, due to its former and present Directors supported by the owners of and staff employed by the Zoo.

“It is a real pleasure to visit Tiergarten Schönbrunn at any time. It is a highlight of any visit to Vienna. The local citizens are very fortunate to have such a wonderful Zoo. I wish the Tiergarten every success with its future development plans to further improve the facilities for its animals and visitors” he comments



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