(12.11.2010) PigExpert is the name of the pig record keeping system, that will be launched on November 15th 2010 at the EuroTier exhibition in Hannover.
PigExpert offers the users the ability to enter and access data in an easy way. PigExpert is built while using the most modern tools, resulting in a user friendly lay-out and the possibility for very fast data entry.PigExpert is build for pig farmers, who want to record pig production data in an easy way with the ability to exchange with different data formats. Pig farmers will recognize PigExpert as a program that works user friendly and fulfils users expectations. There is no limit in number of sows in the database.
For farmers with more locations or suppliers, who want to connect and compare several farms, there is the PigExpert Enterprise version. This version can handle multiple farms and combine data into multi site reports.
PigExpert incorporates the latest standards in software development and is user friendly without losing functionality or time for data entry. PigExpert has two versions; PigExpert Professional, which covers all necessary functions a farmer needs and PigExpert Enterprise, that has even more functions like multi-site reports, data comparison, exchange functions based on export of data, E-mail and benchmarking. PigExpert is capable to connect directly to the latest technological developments based on transponders, readers (hand terminals) digital scales etc..
Who is involved in PigExpert?
PigExpert is developed by a group of companies and persons who already for many years are involved in the agricultural industry. The companies, all located in the Netherlands are VSM Automatisering, MS Schippers and AgriSyst.
V.S.M. Automation has been developing software since 1990 under the brand RUMA. These programs are being used in the agricultural business; specifically dairy, food and trading. VSM also developed software for the sheep market under the name of Belexpert and for the goat market under the name Egam. By taking part in de the development of PigExpert, VSM Automation now even has a wider range of agricultural software solutions. VSM Automation works with a dealer network to sell and support their products. PigExpert is a welcome product to expand their business.
MS Schippers is already known throughout Europe as one of the largest service suppliers for the intensive livestock farmer. All their clients are taken care of by representatives and the branch team. In addition they employ many product specialists with specific knowledge of particular product groups. Schippers is active in pig farming, poultry and cattle. With full support both in logistics and product development, it is their aim to bring to all farmers the benefits of dealing with one of Europe's leading agricultural supply.
AgriSyst is an independent consulting company, which is focused on professionalizing management information in the agricultural business. One of AgriSyst business solutions is the monitoring of data for those farmers, who need more accurate management information from all available data sources in their business.
A crucial part in this is the record keeping of production data, for which PigExpert is the excellent solution. For AgriSyst, PigExpert is an expansion of their products and services