The effect of DON on the gastrointestinal tract

(23.12.2009) French INRA scientist shares how the mycotoxin DON cripples the immune system by targeting the animal’s first line of defense – the intestine.

Mycotoxin intestinal absorption – specifically at the effects of DON on the gastrointestinal tract - is the subject of one of the latest videos on BIOMIN’s Mycotoxin Channel on YouTube.

In this concise one-minute-plus clip, Dr. Isabelle Oswald of the French National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA) explains what happens in the intestines of animals as a result of the mycotoxin DON. Also known as deoxynivalenol or vomitoxin, DON is among the most commonly occurring of Fusarium mycotoxins often associated illness in farm animals or humans.

The gastrointestinal tract is the first barrier that the mycotoxin DON encounters in the animal’s body. Once ingested, DON weakens the intestine significantly, altering its protective barrier function and allowing more contaminants to enter the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. This produces a deleterious effect on the animal.

From a weakened gastrointestinal tract, Dr. Oswald explains that bacteria are then able to translocate themselves to the rest of the animal.

Dr. Oswald is the head of immuno-mycotoxicology at INRA, specializing in research on the impact of mycotoxins on the immune system, particularly in pigs. Besides the effects of DON, Dr. Oswald Oswald has also touched on the long-term effects of mycotoxins on pigs, and ways to analyse the mycotoxin effect in the gastrointestinal tract, on the Mycotoxin Channel.

The Mycotoxin Channel consists of webinars that address specific questions on mycotoxin problems and mycotoxin management issues around the world. Topical sections include analysis, mycotoxin risk management, mycotoxins in general and symptoms.


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