Animal and Equine Veterinary Equipment Sale Announced

(10.09.2020) Global advisory and asset management specialists, Gordon Brothers, has been instructed to manage the sale of the assets of The Animal Health Trust by the Trustees and their advisors.

The Animal Health Trust, situated in Newmarket, England was founded in 1942 and awarded a Royal Charter in 1963, however fundraising issues exacerbated by the Coronavirus pandemic forced the Trust to close its doors via a proposed liquidation earlier this year.

The site housed operations including a small animal clinic, MRI equipment and cancer centre, hydrotherapy equipment, kennels, and extensive scientific and R&D laboratories.

This type of sale rarely occurs and is a unique opportunity for the animal care, veterinary and agriculture industry to take advantage of the equipment available for purchase.

Assets for sale via private treaty and online auction include:

Veterinary Equipment - Small animal and horse veterinary equipment including; consultation rooms, operating theatres (anaesthesia, operating tables, endoscopy, suction, lighting, video capture, lasers, monitoring, recovery, etc.), cat & dog recovery cages & kennels, fixed and mobile X-ray, hydrotherapy, equine centre (operating theatre, X-ray, clinics, scintigraphy) etc.

Radiation Oncology & Scanning Equipment – GE Signa Explorer MRI Scanner (2000, refurbished 2018) with MRI compatible anaesthetic system and bespoke fibreglass / carbon fibre MRI compatible horse trolley, GE Brivo 385 16-slice CT Scanner with Kunlun table (2012), Varian Clinac 23EX linear accelerator (c.2002), Varian GammaMed iX high dose radiation (HDR) Brachytherapy system (2012), Phillips ultrasound machines, etc.

Office Furniture & General Equipment – Apple iPads, monitors, televisions, workstations, office chairs, commercial kitchen equipment, lecture theatre, etc.

For the full comprehensive list of assets for sale please visit bidspotter here.

A second sale comprising of a large quantity of laboratory and research equipment and agricultural plant and machinery will take place in October 2020 with further details to be released.

Gordon Brothers Valuations & Industrial Director, Simon Bamford said: “Gordon Brothers is pleased to be assisting the Trustees of the Animal Health Trust with the orderly closure of the 100 acre Newmarket facilities, including the sale of the large quantity of associated assets. We are expecting significant interest in the varied array of assets”

The online auction will close at 3.00pm on the 1st October 2020. Viewing is strictly by appointment only on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th September 2020 from 9.00am to 4.00pm at AHT, Lanwades Park, Kentford, Newmarket, CB8 7UU.



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Penny este lector principal în Medicina Animalelor Mici la Universitatea Cambridge
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