Lab in Practice / Internal Medicine, 28 September - 2 October 2015
(03.09.2015) Course Master: Prof.Dr.Andreas Moritz, DEVIM-CA (DE), Prof.Dr.Mike D. Willard, DACVIM (USA),
Co-Lecturer: Dr. Elisabeth Mueller (DE)
Diagnosis is the key to successful management of diseased animals. Often laboratory practice plays a major role. This veterinary course has been designed for those who wish to acquire or broaden their knowledge and experience in internal medicine with special regard to good laboratory practice.
The lectures comprise the presentation and discussion of preconditions, requirements and testing methods as well as explanation of the results and their meaning.
Participants of this lab course will learn about the shortcomings of various tests and how to avoid being mislead by insensitive or non-specific results, how to differentiate between correctly and incorrectly conducted tests as well as how to determine which tests are helpful and which are just academic `fluff`.
By looking at several cases and discussing the results, veterinarians will learn how to avoid common mistakes in laboratory practice, giving them the ability to both diagnose and find optimal treatments as therapeutic trials.
The interactive and practical sessions during this course will ensure that the acquired knowledge and skills can be immediately applied in the everyday practice.
Special fees for the host country (Romania) and the neighboring countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro)
Detailed course program, registration and location information are available at:
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