2nd World Veterinary Cancer Congress

(25.09.2011) On behalf of the Veterinary Cancer Society (VCS) and the European Society of Veterinary Oncology (ESVONC), we are pleased and honored to invite you to the 2nd World Veterinary Cancer Congress.

World Veterinary Cancer Congress This event will be held in the beautiful city of Paris, France from March 1-3, 2012.

The Pullman Paris Bercy has been chosen as the venue for this Conference and provides a unique opportunity that blends the culture of Paris with modern technology to present a state of the art scientific program. 

An exciting program is planned for delegates and accompanying persons that will allow all to experience Paris at its finest. From the Opening Reception to the Gala Dinner, you will renew old friendships and make new friends from around the globe.  We hope you will be able to arrive early or stay a few days longer to enjoy all that Paris has to offer.

In the coming months we invite you to visit this website often as you will find key dates relating to the Congress including abstract submission guidelines and deadlines, conference registration and hotel accommodations which will be at the lovely Pullman Paris Bercy. (Pullman-Paris-Bercy Hotel).


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