Boehringer Ingelheim sets up its first Asian Veterinary R&D-Center in Shanghai

(12.03.2012) The research based pharmaceutical company accelerates the expansion of its Animal Health business in China

Boehringer Ingelheim today announced the expansion of its Animal Health business in China. One of the major moves is the opening of the Asian Veterinary Research & Development (R&D) Center in Zhangjiang, Shanghai.

Boehringer Ingelheim Boehringer Ingelheim invests 12 million euros in the center which is the largest of its kind established by a multinational pharmaceutical company in China. With the investment, the company creates 70 new scientific workplaces.

“Boehringer Ingelheim’s long term focus is to further strengthen its very strong global position in the Animal Health business, particularly in the vaccine segment. In line with our corporate vision ‘Value through Innovation’ we research, develop and manufacture innovative products addressing our customer’s needs, be it in the companion animal as well as the food animal segment”, said Hubertus von Baumbach, responsible for the Corporate Board Divisions Finance and Animal Health.

“We strongly believe that with our research driven product development we can add value to the Chinese market and to the businesses of our local customers. Investing in one of our core competencies here in China underlines our commitment”.

With the emergence of new pathogens, it is important to establish a local research presence to shorten development times and to provide solutions to customers in China faster. The Asian Veterinary R&D Center will develop innovative vaccines against swine and poultry diseases that may threaten China’s farming husbandry in the future.

“As a part of Boehringer Ingelheim’s international R&D organisation, the Asian Veterinary R&D Center is positioned to identify and develop innovative vaccines against livestock diseases focusing on China and Asian markets”, stated Marcus Conradt, Head of the Asian Veterinary R&D Center. “The center will be supported by our research facilities around the world, and be a supporting member itself in our global R&D network.”

The center, covering 1,900 square meters, is located within the Shanghai Zhangjiang High-Tech Park. Scientists of this state-of-the-art facility will carry out all aspects of modern vaccine development. Furthermore, the research center will also provide new jobs for local scientists and bring new bio-research technologies to the country.

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