European PRRS Research Award 2015 open for submissions until July 31st

(03.07.2015) Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health funds three research projects against swine disease PRRS with a total of 75,000 euros

For the second time, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health sponsors the European PRRS Research Award to support applied research for the improved control of the swine disease PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome). As the company announced in March, the submissions for the 2015 European PRRS Research Award are open until July 31st.

European PRRS Research Award 2015 To continuously work on practical approaches to manage the disease, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health will provide three grants of 25,000 euros each to fund research proposals that will generate new and practical information to better understand this devastating and costly disease.

The objectives of this initiative are to encourage research resulting in practical application strategies to control PRRS and to enhance the interaction among swine researchers and veterinarians.

In addition, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health’s intention is to enhance communication in the industry on practical PRRS control strategies and to reward research excellence. The PRRS virus infects pigs around the globe causing respiratory tract illness in growing pigs and reproductive failure in breeding stock. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health strives to find solutions for an improved PRRS control.

Applications to submit research proposals can be made on Each proposal will be reviewed by an independent review board of highly recognized swine industry professionals including researchers and practitioners. The board will select proposals based on several factors, including their significance, potential for impact to the swine industry, originality and innovation.

The winners of this year’s European PRRS Research Award will be announced in October 2015.

For more information please visit

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